One of the most important services Fernhill provides is the maintenance and care of the resting place for the 40,000 plus citizens buried within our 200 acre grounds. In this regard, their trust, and that of their families, is something we take very seriously. In order to perform the work, we rely on the following for some of the resources that enable us to provide the service.


Lots: (Consisting of one or more graves)

Full Size Graves

The intact remains of one, and the cremated remains of another two may be buried, or, if no full body is to occupy the grave, four cremated remains may be buried. These graves accommodate an upright monument/marker & flat markers.

Partial Size Graves

Three cremated remains may be buried in these graves. This size accommodates an upright monument/marker and flat markers.

Baby/Children Graves

They accommodate one child’s remains. One flat marker can be placed on each of these graves. The maximum size for a marker is 12″ x 18″.

Central Avenue Urn Garden (also known as the Bronze Urn Garden)

Lots in which 2 cremated remains may be buried. One flat bronze marker may be placed on each of these graves. The maximum size for a marker is 24″ x 18″.

Water Avenue Urn Garden

Lots in which 2 cremated remains can be buried. One flat marker may be placed on each of these graves. They may be granite or bronze.
The maximum size a marker is 30″ x 12″.

Columbarium Niches: Please refer to our Price List for costs
Indoor Niches are available in three sizes – single, double or triple. Each designates the number of cremated remains that may be entombed in each niche. Urns must obtain cemetery approval before they are placed in the niches. A family may select a larger niche than required for the number of cremated remains they envision if they wish to use an urn(s) that can only fit into a larger size niche. The inside dimensions of the niches are;

Single – 8 “W x 12″H x 12″ D

Double – 12″W x 12″H x 12″ D

Triple – 18 ½”W x 12″H x 12″ D

An allowance of at least one half-inch of space at the back, top and sides is required when placing the urn.

The niches are located in our year round heated chapel. They have glass fronts and interior lighting. Plaques are available to memorialize those resting in the niches.

Outdoor Niches – two cremated remains may be entombed in each niche. Consideration must be given to the urn(s) selected to ensure they fit into the available space. The inside dimension of each niche is 11 ” W x 11 ” H x 11 ” D. Bronze plaques are available to memorialize those resting in the niches.


Please refer to our Price List for costs

Grave/Niche Openings & Closings are performed all year round unless weather conditions jeopardize safety, in which case, we vault the remains free of charge. Fernhill requires 24 hours notice of a burial, a completed interment order authorizing the burial (form can be obtained from the Cemetery), and if the person’s remains have been cremated, a copy of the cremation certificate.

Cremation takes place at our crematorium on site. Cremation requirements include a 48 hour waiting period, proper documentation, authorization (provided by a funeral home or funeral service provider), and a combustible container to hold the remains. A brochure is available providing details on the cremation process.

Vault Storage – Provided (usually in winter and spring), to hold remains that cannot be buried within the usual time frame. The Vault Storage service is available to everyone, not just Fernhill burials. The service is accessed through your funeral service provider.

Chapel – Our chapel may be used for a service with 24 hours notice. Seating is provided, and arrangements are usually coordinated through a funeral home or funeral service provider.

Monument Services – Provided on an individually priced basis. These services could include cleaning, straightening, repainting characters or replacing a foundation. Replacing a foundation is guaranteed, and details are provided when the service is requested.

Repairing Ground at Gravesites – This service is done as the grounds crew is at work in different areas of the Cemetery. If a particular site requires servicing since the area was last covered, simply contact Fernhill staff to identify the Lot needing attention.

Planting Regulations:

  • Trees are not permitted on the grave areas.
  • Raised bed 1 ft. in front of monument within the confines of the lot. (3 ft)
  • Shrubs can grow no higher than the monument and no wider than the lot.
  • Planters must be removed in the fall.
  • Glass containers are not permitted.
  • Wire fences are not permitted.

For more information, please view our price list.

Funeral Planning

In planning a funeral, the cemetery element includes the selection of a burial site or columbarium niche, the arrangement for opening and closing of the grave or niche, and if cremation is selected, the arrangements for performing the cremation.