A place to be
Ancestors and descendants meet at Fernhill Cemetery on 80 hectares of mature trees, gardens and meadows interlaced with 80 kilometers of walking paths and roadways.
Not only is Fernhill a resting place for friends and family, it is a destination for historians tracing genealogy, for horticulturalists studying a mature park setting, for walkers and joggers seeking a measure of peace, tranquility and gentle exercise.

Take a new look at Fernhill
After over 150 years, Fernhill has become such a central part of our heritage that people have begun to take it for granted. We want to change some of those preconceptions.
Although Fernhill was founded back in 1848, almost two decades before Confederation, we are just barely middle-aged and there is still a lot to do. Funeral technology is an evolving science of which we are proud to be on the forefront. There is always new work being done on the grounds, new plantings and landscaping. Fernhill is in the full bloom of maturity with a long journey ahead and many new friends to meet.

What’s happening at Fernhill
Fernhill: The City of Sleep with Stones that Speak
We’re excited to announce the release of ‘Fernhill: The City of Sleep with Stones that Speak’ by David Goss and Harold E. Wright, a new book that uncovers the rich tapestry of history within the grounds of Fernhill Cemetery. ‘Fernhill: The City of Sleep with Stones that Speak’ is available for purchase at the cemetery office.
2024 Walks ‘n Talks with David Goss
This outdoor discovery program has been running since 1978 and features varied commentators offering 1.5 hours, 3 km educational low stress walks. Most have rain dates the following night. Information on weather disruptions is on the phone line (506) 672- 8601 an hour before the stated walk time. Walks are at 7:15 unless noted otherwise. Walkers attend at their own risk and difficulty and terrains vary. NRD = NO RAIN DATE but they may still be held as listed so check the number above for latest information. More information needed? Contact gosswalk@nbnet.nb.ca.
- Tuesday, June 18: Fernhill Office, 200 Westmorland Road. – History advocate Harold Wright with continuing A-Z monument stories from among the 40,000+ to be found within this cemetery.
- Tuesday, July 09: Fernhill Office, 200 Westmorland Road. – David Goss explains monument symbolism.
- Tuesday, July 30: Fernhill office, 200 Westmorland Road. – More poignant personalities and anomalies in Fernhill as found by indefatigable researcher retired geologist Bill Gardiner.
- Tuesday, August 06: Fernhill Office, 200 Westmorland Road. – Around the world creepy city- of- sleep stories that might keep you awake at night as collected by David Goss.
- Tuesday, August 13: Sharri Zedek Cemetery Westmorland Road at Ellerdale Street – Jewish Heritage stories with Katherine Biggs Craft, curator of the Jewish Museum.
View the full schedule of David Goss 2024 Walks ‘n Talks for all locations.